Tuesday, May 19, 2009

And Tom Makes Three...

Do you ever forget how much you love an actor and then you see one of there movies and you are drawn back to remembrance of just how awesome they are? Well, for me that happened this weekend... Garrett and I started out the weekend early. We watched a Tom Hanks Biography on the Biography channel on Thursday and then proceeded to watch FOUR of his movies over the weekend. Including his new hit, Angels and Demons, which I loved. Of course, Tom gives an amazing performance (when does he not?). We also watched You've Got Mail, The Terminal and The DaVinci Code. Not only did we watch so many Tom films, he also made a surprise appearance on SNL. I just couldn't get enough of him this weekend. With TWO back to back Best Actor Oscar's you know he is something special. So many awesome movies: Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, Philadelphia, Cast Away, Saving Private Ryan, BIG and who can forget Splash!?
Today I was going through our DVR only to discover we have three of Mr. Hanks' movies recorded. I guess Garrett and I subconsiously LOVE this man!
And in closing... Doesn't he seem like a really cool guy? I would seriously love to go out dinner with him and his wife Rita. They seem like such nice, down to Earth, funny people!
So, if you haven't watched a Tom Hanks movie in a while, what are you waiting for!?? Get out there and do it! He made a great third wheel for Garrett and me and I am sure he will do the same for you.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Favorite Actors... Hugh Jackman

I am riding on the coat tails of my last post. I love Hugh Jackman.... I repeat, I love Hugh Jackman. Not only is he an all around great actor, he is also the sexiest man alive. Hello... Need I say more. Well, there is much to say about Hugh. Here are my top five reasons for being a fan:

1. He is a jack(man) of all trades: He can sing, dance, host, act, be sexy, and be real.
2. He seems like a genuinely nice person. Every interview I have seen him in he is hospitable. I appreciate that.
3. I believe him when he says he loves his wife! Use him as an example men.
4. He's not afraid to try.
5. Did I mention he is good looking?

Keep up the good work Hugh! You have many adoring fans out there waiting to see what you will do next!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Deserves a Defender!!!

I know I haven't written in a very long time (I discovered critiquing movies is actually really hard), but I feel I need to defend the movie Australia. I saw this movie the day it opened and LOVED it!!! I thought it was one of the best movies I had seen in a very long time. It may even be one of my favorite movies. I thought the acting was outstanding and the story was amazing.

What I loved about this movie was it brought to light a piece of history that many people did not know about. I never knew how Australia was involved in World War II and further about the oppression of the aboriginal children.

The movie was long... I understand this, but it was worth it long. I kept wanting more. I thought the romance between Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman was beautiful and the way they form a family was incredible.

I loved everything about this movie. I can't say enough about it. If you didn't like it, watch it again with a renewed attitude. If you haven't seen it, forget everything you have heard and watch it without expectation.

Support Australia because it really got a totally undeserved shaft.

PS... I thought Benjamin Button was totally boring. It was a good story, but I will never watch it again. I don't know why it go so much acclaim and Australia didn't. I am a little upset!!!