Monday, October 20, 2008

Iron Man

This weekend I watched a ton of movies. OK, not a ton but maybe like 4 or 5. My favorite of the weekend though and perhaps my favorite in a while was Iron Man. I am so glad Robert Downey, Jr. is making a comeback. I hope he stays off the drugs so he can continue making good movies. I loved him as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. I thought this movie was both compelling, dramatic and humorous and had something to offer all sorts of audiences. I liked it so much that I rented it on my way home so Garrett could see it. If you have not seen this yet, go out rent it, buy it or do whatever you must do to see this film. Hopefully, there will be a sequel cause I need more Tony Stark and Pepper Pots. By the way, Gwyneth Paltrow also did an amazing job and Pepper Pots, Tony's personal assistant. I really just loved this movie and can't say enough good things about it.


Chelsee said...

I LOVED this movie!!! I may have even shed a tear thinking of my Teagie with his "Imperfect heart"

Sara Walker said...

Whoa, so you have 2 blogs huh? Can't wait to read your review on "He's just not that into you." I thought it was hilarious!!